Dr. Tilman Slembeck - Curriculum Vitae

- Dr. oec. HSG (Ph.D. in Economics), University of St.Gallen, 1992.
- mag. oec. HSG (Master of Teaching in Economics), University
of St.Gallen, 1988.
Research Positions
- Visiting Scholar, University of Sydney,
Department of Economics, Spring 2011.
- Visiting Scholar, University of Adelaide,
School of Population Health & Clinical Practice, Discipline of Public
Health, Spring 2011.
- Research
Fellow of the University of St.Gallen (12/1998-
- Visiting
Research Fellow at the University College London, host Ken Binmore (10/1997 - 9/1998).
- Visiting
Scholar at the University of Pittsburgh, host Alvin E. Roth (4/1997 -
- Visiting
Scholar at Harvard University, host Robert Barro
(9/1996 - 4/1997).
- Research
Fellow in Economics, Swiss National Science Foundation, 1994 - 1996.
- Research
Assistant for Economics, Chair of Public Finance and Political Economy,
Prof. Alfred Meier, University of St.Gallen,
- Researcher,
Institute for Teaching and Economics, University of St.Gallen,
Summer 1988.
- Research
Assistant, Institute of Public Finance and Fiscal Law, University of St.Gallen, Spring 1987.
Teaching Positions
- Professor
of Economics, Zurich University of Applied Sciences , School of Management
& Law (Switzerland), Fall 2000-
- Lecturer
of Economics, University of St.Gallen
(Switzerland), 1989 - 96, 1998-
- Lecturer
of Economics, European Business School, Oestrich/Winkel (Germany), Fall 2001.
- Visiting
Lecturer of Economics, Tallinn (Estonia) and Riga (Latvia), Fall 1993,
Spring 1994.
- Lecturer
of Economics, University of St.Gallen,
Executive-MBA Programme (EMBA), 1991 - 1996.
- Visiting
Lecturer in Economics, Prague and Bratislava (Czech and Slovak Federative
Republic), Fall 1990 - Spring 1991.
- Lecturer
in Economics and Decision Theory, College for Business and Administration
(HWV), Chur (Switzerland), 1988-89.
- Teacher
for Economics, Cantonal College, Chur
(Switzerland), 1988.
- Teacher
for Economics, New Secondary School, Zurich (Switzerland), 1985-86.
Memberships in Professional Organizations
- American Economic
Association (AEA)
- Economic Science Association
- European Economic
Association (EEA)
- Royal Economic
Society (RES)
- Verein für Socialpolitik
(Verein; German Economic Association),
Member of "Ausschuss für Evolutive Oekonomik")
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für
Gesundheitspolitik (SGGP)
- Schweizerische
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Gesundheitsökonomie (SAG)
Further academic
and teaching activities
- Excutive Management Education: SGO, ZKB, EMBA-HSG,
- Referee for:
Science, Zs. für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaft (ZWS), Studien
zur Evolutorischen Ökonomik (Schriftenreihe des
Verein für Socialpolitik), Journal of Evolutionary Economics (JEE), Journal
of Economic Behavior and Organization (JEBO)
- Mitglied des Vorstands des
Mittelbaus der Universität St.Gallen
- Mitglied des Ausschusses der School of Economics and
Political Sciences (SEPS) und des Senats der Universität
- Mitglied des Senats der Zürcher
Hochschule Winterthur (ZHW), 2005-2006.
For more
information please contact me by
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Homepage --- WWW.SLEMBECK.CH ---
Last update: 30 June 2011, created by T.S., November 1995.